eco-craft! - Reciclando!

sculpture recycled felted waldorf toy - taken from old felted sweaters and adding some knitting and sculpted felt for rocks.

made from my old sweater stash felted down - small stone from lake michigan for lovie thoughts inside his belly stuffed with wooly scraps-and then stitched up -

He was stitched completely by hand with embroidery floss. His body is made from felted wool.

you have heard of sock monkeys and sock monsters, now the sock camera - brought to you by Neta of bobolina: dolls stories. LOVE this.

fabric car trash bag

canvas extra pocket

plastic shopper

re-usable shopping bag

colourful bag

egg pot plants

Comente com o Facebook:

2 comentários:

  1. Wow! Quaine, adorable creative things you are making from your recycling. Excellent work!

  2. essas coisas fantasticas nao sao de minha autoria


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